New Book Release Notice !!!!!!!!!! Who Is Who On Zimbabwe Digital Wall Of Fame

New Book Release Notice !!!!!!!!!!

Who Is Who On Zimbabwe Digital Wall Of Fame

ZimLegends – The Home Of Unparalleled Excellency

Walking Down The memory Lane – Lest We Forget

ZimLegends Vision and Objectives:

Zimbabwe Legends or Zimlegends, in short, is Zimbabwe’s first, unique and only comprehensive online database of individuals, teams, groups, bands etc, who have exceptionally exhibited unique proficiencies in the fields of arts, entertainment, soccer, boxing, sports of all types, traditional dances, music, business, culture, philanthropy work, community work humanitarian work and in numerous other social or recreational fields.

ZimLegends’ vision and overall objective is to comprehensively and digitally collect, compile, write, record and systematically document, in written, audio and Video format, as well as archive Zimbabwe Legends’ achievements of yester year, including those of current Legends, for the ultimate and multifaceted purpose of informing, educating, entertaining and archiving, both present and future generations of Zimbabwe. Zimlegends is wholeheartedly devoted to jealously preserve our cultural heritage, as a nation. It is with this deep-seated passion in mind that Joel Masuka initiated and has perennially been developing this online digital database which he has coined Zimbabwe Digital Wall Of Fame database.

Therefore, in a nutshell, Zimbabwe Legends | ZimLegends, is Zimbabwe’s national online digital database, which is comprised of members of the civil society who are not chosen on the basis of politics or religion. ZimLegends is solely composed of civilian individuals and groups who have extremely transcended or are still excelling, in their contribution of distinction, to the Zimbabwean Society, individually or collectively, within their respective fields, to deservedly earn themselves and be accorded the prestigious status of being addressed as Zimbabwe Legend.

ZIMLEGENDS has over the past 6 years evolved into a giant entity which is now constituted, of over professionally written legend stories by myself and some household, renowned and seasoned journalists who I have listed under the Acknowledgements section. We are currently documenting such data as referenced above and we intend to continue to develop, cultivate, revitalize, nurture, distribute and publish online, as well as digitally store memories of our cherished legends, by featuring their extra-ordinary performances, in written, audio, video digital formats, for everyone, to watch, hear, read, learn and be entertained, both in Zimbabwe and those in the Global digital village of the world.

I fully understand that, to create and to continually maintain the ZimLegends database, is no easy-going task.  It is a mammoth task, which is not to be accomplished within a period of day, a week, a month or not even in a single year but its going to be “work-in-progress”, an ongoing and recurrent Project which shall immensely help, not only the present but future generations, to learn, comprehend, inspire and appreciate what our Zimbabwean legends, have achieved, both individually, as well as collectively, as teams, Bands, etc.

I regard this Project to be my token of appreciation to my community, my people, my country, for which I had to forfeit my youthhood because of my dear love to all the foregoing. I wholeheartedly love Zimbabwe, my country, into which I was born, groomed, nurtured as well as grew up, to be an adult that I am today.

As I incessantly work on this Project, hours and hours on end, every day of my life. At this juncture, I take this opportunity to primarily acknowledge my wife Josephine, all my children, brothers and sisters and my whole my extended family, including but not limited to my nieces, nephews and cousins for their unflinching support, advice and encouragement to me on this Project. I dedicate tons of gratitude to my beloved Visionary, late brother, Crispen Chamunorwa Masuka who was my main source of inspiration, support and professional advice on this project, right from its very inception.



Lastly I would like to acknowledge and thank my friends, relatives and contacts for the invaluable contributions they made, in terms of advice, information and nominations of ZimLegends personalities, which constitute and is the core backbone of this database.

Therefore, ZimLegends is a project which does not have a predetermined end-date. It is a perpetual, perennial and unending, dynamic project which shall outlive, whoever is reading this today and it shall continue to evolve throughout our life and beyond, into eternity.

In conclusion, I am calling upon you to lookout for the forthcoming, full- house, fully-loaded, ZimLegends book to be available on Amazon International and major book retailers, world-wide by mid March 2023:

Title: Who Is Who On Zimbabwe Digital Wall Of Fame.

Joel Masuka – ZimLegends Founder and Chief Executive Officer


LinkedIn Profile:


ZimLegends Websites URL:

February 12, 2023 6:42 am